Focus On What Matters Most
We use a team of editors to edit your book creating layers of protection against errors.
Dr. Peggy is passionate about helping people change their mindset from negative to positive, to achieve their life’s purpose, and reach full potential.
She is an Award Winning Motivation Speaker and the founder of Write Now Publishing Company, (WPNC), a professional writing firm. They are a team of writing experts who have been in business for 20-35 years.
Dr. Peggy is also the author of several personal development books to help you think positively and grow richly. Achieve the success and happiness you want and deserve in life and business.
In addition she provides workshops and retreats to reinforce the principles of writing and personal growth. She is a #1 Best Selling Author, acclaimed Writing Coach and International Keynote Speaker.
Dr. Peggy helped me over come the fear of writing my book, she coached me through the process, and published my book, Critical Perspective. She is very easy to work with, we are working on the second book.
“Peggy has a way of capturing the complexities of life and articulating them in a way that speaks directly to the visceral longings in our hearts. ”Jamie Suard, MA, MFT
“10 Tips for Power Thinking; , is a “must read” for everyone who seeks encouragement. Regardless of any setback, failure, or challenge, this book will help you.
Peggy was a journalist for the Los Angeles post and she was one of the best writers on staff.” Eric Harrison
For questions or speaking engagements, call us at (323) 929-92883
Email us at
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© 2024 Dr. Peggy Woods, High 5 Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash Runners Photo by Nicolas , mikolaj-DCzpr09cTXY-unsplash.jpg on Unsplash